On Sat 2-Aug-03 8:52pm -0400, Mark Wieder wrote:

> GetTimeZoneInformation only deals with the Right Now time and
> there's no way to plug any other date information into it.

I understand.  I rarely reply to email that isn't from today or
yesterday.  There would only be 2 days a year that my offset would be
wrong.  Nothing I'd worry about :-)'

> At any rate, methinks if you have to worry about whether a reply was
> created between 1AM and 2AM on a certain Sunday in October, you either
> have way too much time on your hands or you need to get out in the
> real world a bit more... <g>

Ha!  Normally, I wouldn't care - but for any code I write, I like it
to be correct.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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