
Worked like a charm! Thought I'd also report that it worked with Plink
(from the same people that make Putty), using the same command line
options. Unfortunately I also need to keep a command window open with
the connection, tried several options but looks like that's the way it


Wednesday, August 6, 2003, 11:34:54 AM, you wrote:

DK> Wednesday, August 6, 2003, 11:10:24 AM, Roberto wrote:
R>> That sounds cool! How did you get to the poing where you are
R>> at right now? Is there documentation on how to do this?

DK> Here's an overview for setting up TB! to tunnel SMTP via ssh.

DK> First, let me start with why someone might do this:

DK> 1. Security - all traffic between the mail host and the server
DK>    will now be encrypted with strong encryption.  Caveat - once
DK>    it is on the server, it is no longer encrypted. Using SSH is
DK>    not a replacement for PGP.

DK> 2. Firewall or other block - if a firewall will not allow traffic
DK>    through port 25 (or other ports), but does allow ssh you can
DK>    use ssh's port forwarding feature to tunnel the desired ports
DK>    over the permitted ssh port.

DK> 3. Compression - ssh also supports compressing the traffic that
DK>    goes over it. I'm not using this, but it may be of interest to
DK>    someone on a dial-up or bandwidth limited connection.

DK> Here's how I got to where I am right now....

DK> Base assumptions about my situation that might not be typical for
DK> others:

DK> 1. I have cygwin installed with the OpenSSH package included
DK> 2. My e-mail provider allows telnet/ssh access

DK> Both of the above are needed. #1 is easy to get www.cygwin.com. I
DK> doubt that #2 is in common use.

DK> Given the two items above:
DK> 0. Open a cygwin window
DK> 1. Confirm your ssh connection works:
DK>    <give password when asked>
DK>    yourhost $ <command line prompt available>
DK>    <exit after confirmed>

DK> 2. Set up a tunnel session with your host:
DK>    $ ssh -lyourname -L 25:localhost:25 yourhost.com
DK>    <give password when asked>

DK> 3. In TB!, change Account!Properties!Transport!SMTP Server
DK>    to localhost (leave port at 25)

DK> Send an e-mail!

DK> Now, the remaining issues are:
DK> 1. I don't want to keep the ssh tunnel up all the time
DK> 2. Given 1, how can I have TB! launch ssh for the e-mails in the
DK>    Outbox and then close it down when all are sent.
DK> 3. Setting up ssh to not ask for a password every time. (I think
DK>    this can be handled by setting up the key authentication
DK>    correctly, but that's not a TB! issue.)

DK> I hope others find this interesting and useful.

Roberto Machorro

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