On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 11:15:00 +0200 GMT, Roelof Otten wrote:

RO> Well, continuing to spell tbudl should help, at least it does on my
RO> system (also with non-betas), but another option is to use <Ctrl><+>,
RO> it doesn't matter whether you use the + key from the numpad or not.

Yes, that is what is so frustrating.  The "<CTL> +" combination also
is not doing anything at all. I've had it working more/differently than
it is right now in my experimentation. I seem to loose the majority of
the autocomplete functionality when I turn off parsing of history.

EG: right now, I get the behaviour as described in the prior message,
and in this one, having no apparent "<CTL> +" operation -- setting is
'all address books'.

I turned on 'history+all addrbks' and TBU grabbed the address from somewhere.
I set it back to 'all addrbks', test, back to 'hist+all addbk', test doesn't
work. In other words I'm not even seeing consistent operation of the
same setting when toggling between two states of operation...other
than it simply is not working as prescribed. <G>

I get very inconsistent operation, making it a PITA to track down what
is happening.

At first I thought maybe it was just something simple like not having a
fully constructed sur/family name so I put TBUDL in nickname, firstname
and tried other variants of completed addy entries with no solid results.

I'm just hoping it's not something wrong with TB compatibility with
Windows 95. It'll be my first sign of a backwards compatibility
problem. I've been using 95 dominantly but I think that I'll check
this out in my 98 install. If present there (since I am sharing the
data between 95/98) I guess I'll try wiping the data files and
starting with virgin TB data files.

-- Pixie
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 95 4.0

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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