A> The Ritlabs site says:

You're right, it appears as if the update offer will be completely gone and
that is just ridiculous for a couple of reasons:
- The differences between 1.62 (especially 1.63beta) and 2.0 are not that
huge after all. Of course a lot changed since 1.0, but that doesn't help
the users who registered in July. To make it fair they should be allowed to
upgrade any time later, when 2.0 offers enough improvement for them to be
worth the upgrade. And don't anyone tell me that v2 has been 75% (or
completely as Ritlabs announec months or years ago) newly programmed. Some
same stupid bugs persist (like the line-wrap and the consequence that you
can't Ctrl-Backspace over lines) and the program looks pretty much the same

- V2 is still pretty much a beta, just released to keep the announced date.
I just installed it for a friend on a WinXP machine: The menu bar
background stays white after having clicked on a menu, and then there were
a couple of crashes (access violations), e.g. when purging folders. For
more see TBBETA list.

- It's something new that other companies haven't dared before. In the good
old days updates where something like 20% of the price of a product. Once
you bought it you had a license and the update price was relative to the
percentage of new features (or something like that). Then big companies
like MS came along who had to sell updates in stores and the update prices
went up to 50% to 70% of the original product's price. Bad enough, but now
the update availability is limited to two months while the product is not
even stable. Sorry, that's too much, I'm not gonna pay it. I don't need the
update now and if in a few months, when I think I'll want it, I'll have to
pay the full price again, I'll just go get another email program like
Mozilla. There at least I have an open developers' policy with a roadmap
and multi-platform support.
The advantage of The Bat are worth a price, but that's over the line,

The argument that Ritlabs is a company and is free to do what they want
doesn't count. Of course they can do what they want, but they have to live
with the users' opionions and/or reactions to that. (no to get into the
ethics stuff)

I can't believe that there are people who take it for a fair option to buy the
upgrade now and only start using it in a couple of months. Think about it,
how ridiculous is that?


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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