Sunday, September 7, 2003, 5:22:22 PM, ETM wrote:

ESoV> I have neither the patience nor the skill to work with a program
ESoV> that is not totally refined, or perhaps even a beta.  However, I
ESoV> am on limited income and the half price is certainly much more
ESoV> reachable than the full price.  Do people recommend that I obtain
ESoV> the download, pay for the upgrade, and remain with 1.62 until
ESoV> those who know far more than me have worked out the kinks?

Elaine, Unless you are going to be using IMAP accounts (where there
still appear to be problems) I can't see a reason for not going for
the upgrade now to be honest. Even if you don't want to use the extra
features such as the html editor or the scheduler it's still worth
upgrading I feel. Version 2 runs faster for me, has the new integrated
maintenance centre, and has the option to use spam filter plugins if
you want to (plus various bug fixes we're told). I've had no real
problems with using this version.


Flying high with The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  2222

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