08-Sep-2003 09:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Superb. This is a company that has continually enhanced and upgraded a
>> product to extreme levels without charging existing users a penny for
>> five years!

> Although  it maybe seem unfair for "new" users I totally agree with you.

Can you for just a *moment* think of how you would feel if you registered
TB 1.x about 2.01 months ago (like "danger h"), please? Can you answer me,
then, if it "maybe seems unfair", or if you feel ripped off? Come oooon...

If a company forgets that updates to their products are actually worth
money and then suddenly charge each and every user the same... ungh, how
many times did I repeat this, enough...

> I  use  The  Bat!  since  May  '99  and  for  four  years  we  got MAJOR
> enhancements  for  free. If some other company has produced the Bat, the
> very  same  program with the same feature set would be in version 4 or 5
> and not 2.00.6. Believe me 1.60 was a major upgrade to 1.50 which was a
> major upgrade to 1.40 and so forth.

If that is so then what, in the name of everything that doesn't suck,
would've been the problem to say "registered before 1.50 release = high
update fee" while "registered before 1.60 release = moderate upgrade fee"
and "registered after 1.60 release = lower upgrade fee?

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de)

>From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed
with laughter. Someday I intend reading it. -- Groucho Marx

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