Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 10:08:21 AM, Jamie wrote:
> I'm  also  terribly  prejudiced against fonts, if you want me to think
> you're  a   5  year  old  feel free to use Comic Sans, otherwise use a
> businesslike font. It's a pain for me to have to set things up so that
> stupid unreadable fonts are displayed correctly.

Interesting, I happen to really dislike left/right justification
of fixed-width fonts. It's very distracting to read.

Actually, it's only mildly annoying, kind of like that Comic
Sans, which I also dislike. The point is that different people
have different preferences. I would _never_ send out a left &
right justified e-mail, you must think it's kind of cool. (Wrong!
:) )

I like TB!'s handling of HTML e-mails where it strips out the
meat of the message and ignores the rest. If I want to see the
message in all its "glory" I click on a tab and there it is
(minus the dangerous stuff).

I'd still like for TB! to allow me as the end-user to select the
HTML editor as my default editor. I mean. really, there is an
option to turn on/off the little menu navigator thingy that I
ignored for at least a year until learning to how turn it off
yesterday.  Can't we have one little-itty-bitty check-box that
says "Use HTML Editor as Default?"

'Nuff said.

Dave Kennedy
Where is nroff when you need it?

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