On Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 2:31:28 PM, ken green wrote in the
message "new mail at top/bottom"

> *<off-topic> Is is redundant to say the TheBat! ?  And how do you
> punctuate that last sentence?  Even with quotes, it still looks weird:
> Is is redundant to say the "TheBat!"? </off-topic>

>From looking at the Ritlabs web site, I have determined the following:

1) "The Bat!" should be written as such. It is not "the Bat," "TheBat,"
   "theBat!," "TheBat!," or variation thereof.
2) When "The Bat!" ends a sentence, no period is needed. For example:

   I am checking my e-mail with The Bat!
3) When you end a question with "The Bat!," a question mark is needed
   (Just like when your question ends with a quotation.). For example:

   Will you help me with templates for The Bat!?

4) If an exclamation ends with "The Bat!," I would have three
   exclamation points at the end. For example:

   I LOVE The Bat!!!

NB: Number four is more so a matter of style than the others.

Quoting when replying to this message is good for your karma.

When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?

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