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Hello Joseph,

On 27 October 2003, 09:22 -0600 ( 15:22 local time) Joseph N. [JN] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Of course, these are not "bugs". They are deliberate design
>> decisions. Anyone running in so insecure an environment to make this
>> so called "vulnerability" an issue should consider a more expensive
>> solution - like SB or TB Pro.

JN> While I agree in general with your response to the issue, the fact
JN> remains that third party access to hard drives is conceivable in any
JN> number of innocent situations, most commonly repair scenarios. A
JN> minimal change in the configuration--encrypting account
JN> passwords--would go a long way toward preserving the current security
JN> model of limited account access.

I have to go with Marck on this one. The same argument can be applied to
just about any application. If someone's that concerned about security
they make sure their applications operate in a secure environment.

Perhaps plain text editors should encrypt data? Ludicrous! And why
encrypt plain text messages to your hard disk when you send them over
the Internet without encryption? E-mail (SMTP/POP) is inherently insecure.

As for passwords, doesn't the same apply since most POP servers use plain text

There's some merit in having the mail folder under Documents and
Settings (XP) and I guess this could be a future install option. Albeit
there's nothing stopping you from doing this now.

- --
As ever,
Martin Webster

The Bat! 2.01.7 w/ BayesIt! 0.4gm (Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP SDK 3.0.2

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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