Hello Jonathan & other TB! list members following this thread,

Yesterday, Saturday, November 1, 2003, you responded to my
mentioning that:

>> I'm having trouble connecting to the ritlabs ftp site. Do you still
>> have the 1.63 Beta 5 file? If so and you care to send it, I have
>> winrar installed (betas come in rar files as I recall).

JA> You will have trouble connecting to their FTP sites.  They're offline
JA> for public access until further notice

We're not the public. RL is getting finicky on us.

JA> All the latest betas can be accessed from the beta page,


It seems to work w/o the login: http://www.ritlabs.com/en/tbbeta/

JA> not sure about the older ones though.

They aren't. What does RL gain by this? They really ought to provide
support for any reasonable desire on the part of us registered TB!
users. Allowing access to past versions (beta or not) is not likely
to hurt them in any way.

Does anyone know if past TB! versions are available from another source?

What this means is that I'm going to stay with version 1.62 until
the bugs in v.2 are ironed out.



Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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