
When I right click an address in the header of a mail and try to add the address to the address book, the "group Selector" box is empty (the [...] buttom to the right of the Group field).

If I just write a groupname in the group field and try to save I get an "Invalid group(s) detected:" error. If I don't select a group and save the new contact I don't get any errors, but I can't find the new contact either.

I tried to delete the "Personal Address book" folder (the root folder), but it comes back (with contents) when I restart The Bat.

The Group Selection box not empty if I go to the address book and take properties on a contact.

I'm running The Bat 2.10.1, but the problem has been theres for while. Can't remember if it was there before I upgraded from 1.x.



________________________________________________ Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information: http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

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