On Wednesday, May 12, 2004, 2:55:04 PM, Roelof Otten wrote:

> That happened to me too, while downloading a 33 MB message with
> 2.04.07  Don't know whether it worked with previous versions, since my
> messages are generally being downloaded without any human
> supervision.

Is this linked to your anti-virus software? I get the same, but I
think that the progress bar is triggered when the message is first
"seen" by TB! but that TB! does not get the rest of the messsage from
the antivirus software (in my case Norton AntiVirus 2004) until the
antivirus software has downloaded the whole thing and scanned it.


  Using The Bat! v2.10.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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