On Friday, May 21, 2004, 6:19:41 PM, John Cunnane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JC> Hi All,

JC> I believe that we can agree with my first point that clicking on a
JC> HTML link in the preview pane takes you to the top of the message on
JC> the first click and then opens the browser on the second. I assume
JC> that this is a bug and not a feature?

JC> As for the '&' characters in a HTML link when Reply is used, I would
JC> be grateful if you could reply to this message and check the following
JC> link in the quoted text. If the bug is present, the '&' characters in
JC> the link will be replaced by spaces and the link will no longer work.

JC> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=41559&item=4190830767&rd=1

I agree with your first point as I have the same problem 2.10.03.

But I have never seen the second problem and indeed it isn't showing up in this


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