Hi Allie,

> Most firewalls today will offer application protection, so you have to
> give each application permission. At the time a hash is created for
> the application. If you upgrade the application, you'll need to change
> the firewall rule since the hash for the new executable is different.
I knew about this. I deleted the old rule and put in a new one for the
latest version. No use! I can only presume that the deleting of the
rule has left some residual rubbish lying about! I'll look into this
when I have more spare time than I have at the moment. I only need the
software firewall for the odd occasion when I have to use dial-up -
most of the time I go though a router with a built in firewall, so
turning it off for now is no great loss!

Thanks for your replies,


Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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