Hello Melissa,

MR> Hi Tony,

MR> On Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 12:54:48 AM PST, you wrote:

>> I assume TB! uses MSIE' engine to render the pages; so maybe that
>> conficts..?

MR> Eek! Please don't assume such a horrible thing! :-) One of TB!'s many
MR> strengths is that it uses its own HTML rendering engine.  This is why
MR> it's not vulnerable to "web bugs" and other little nasties that might
MR> be embedded in HTML.

Damn! Exposed as a newbie again... :)
It makes me wonder why TB! doesn't fully render HTML then.
I mean the HTML with little red crosses where pictures should be.
I remember something written about this somewhere. (not sure where)
It was partly security related. But if TB! renders it's pages with
it's own engine I see no danger fetching the pics online.
Many non-spam newsletters come in HTML format nowadays

Best regards, Tony                          

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?

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