Dear Marije,

@22-Jun-2004, 22:32 +0200 (22-Jun 21:32 UK time) Marije Baalman [MB]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marije:

... <snip>
MB> TheBat! is creating an awful amount of temporary files in the
MB> %TEMP% folder, it is just creating then and opening them for
MB> writeonly purposes. With an awful lot, I mean some hundreds.

These are parking zones for pre-imported messages. These can be
impacted by the activities of aggressive AV software, that
quarantine the embryonic messages in transit, locking them out and
not letting TB retain access to them.

MB> TheBat! is still looking for "thebat.ipc" every 10 seconds...

I see you have had a few answers, but nobody has given you the
correct answer.

'IPC' stands for "Inter Program Communication". You can drive a
running TB from the outside by writing sets of command line
parameter commands into this file. Once every 10 seconds, TB
executes the contents and empties the file. This allows you to
control TB from any external process without having to keep hitting
it through the command line.

Cheers -- 
List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v2.12 Beta/1 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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