
Sunday, July 4, 2004, 8:06:09 PM, you wrote:

GS> Hello Thomas,

GS> Sunday, July 4, 2004, 9:28:48 AM, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

aacu>>> Yes but I also have all the email that I delteted back again. It's an
aacu>>> aumenting system not a synchronising system.

TF>> Yes, it is. I think only IMAP does what you want.

GS> Richard may have given good advice per
GS> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED], however I see you have a
GS> problem per your #15 on

GS> I am no expert on TB backup tool, but when using TB backup tool have you
GS> tried *only* selecting the following:

The TB! backup tool works for me, since all I need is to be able to
use a different machine from time to time. I just backup all folders
and run a full restore on the second machine, which at least on mine
overwrites the original message base, meaning the messages that have
been deleted do not reappear. It's not elegant, but it only takes a
few minutes, and at least for me it works.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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