AM>> Code 2, [C2] wrote:
AM>> I'm using FireFox 0.9 and despite using Tab Browser Extensions, I
AM>> still have FireFox opening externally called URL's in new
AM>> instances rather than a new tab in an already opened instance. How
AM>> can I clean that up?

D> Add  the  "Single  Window" extension available on any of the extension
D> sites.  Then  there  is the reg fix for the multiple instances brought
D> some threads back.

Allie, if you're already using the Tabbrowser extension and you don't
want to install another extension, just go to Tab | Tabbrowser
Extensions Preferences...  Next, select the "Advanced" category and
change the Window Mode to "Use only one browser always (Single Window

You can also try the "Use multiple browsers only when I open them"
alternative, and see which mode you prefer.

Code 2  :canadaflag:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Bat! version 2.12.00 on Windows XP Service Pack 1
Billboard on the side of the road: Keep your eyes on the road and stop reading these 

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