Hello Tony,

Friday, September 24, 2004, 12:03:05 PM, you wrote:

T> Personally I have a list with passwords like th798*3%5ƒ#ö%
T> No way I can remember them but you can store them in bookmark
T> programs. So you have to remember just one password. Or use a
T> electronic key.

last place I worked, we had these key fobs, that had a digital readout
that changed every 60 seconds. It was synched to our servers, so when I
logged in, I had a password AND used the digits from that fob.
that was nice when it worked, and it was H&LL when it didn't.

T> PGP supports several electronic keys and even biometrics IIRC.
T> An electronic key is just a little USB key that fits on your key ring.
T> (a real key ring like the one you keep your car keys on)
T> Stick it in a USB slot and PGP will detect it and opens the key ring.
T> Nothing to remember and very high entropy passwords. Enough to match
T> the security of PGP itself. They cost around USD 30

tell me about these electronic keys, a web site??

Best regards,

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