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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Tue, 28 Sep 2004,
   @  @      at 13:23:48 +0200, when WilWilWil wrote:

> ==============Original message text===============
> From: Mica Mijatovic
> To: WilWilWil
> Date: Monday, September 27, 2004, 3:03:26 PM
> Subject: All message deleted by filter !

>>> That's the reason why I receive no maill from my friends since a week !!!

MM>> A week is a lot for noticing this. Use Dispatcher, and you'll notice
MM>> instantly (how the filters marked your mail).

> ===========End of original message text===========
> A week is a not a lot . I didn't want to say that I was in front of
> my labtop during a week. I was in training all the week anf when I
> come back home, I was in trouble to not see any mail received this
> special week.

Ah, OK, I understood something else. (-:

> You say Use Dispatcher.

> Can you explain me what is dispatcher and how to use it ?

Go to Account / Properties / Mail management / Mail Dispatcher, and then

+ Invoke automatically at each mail check

+ Show all messages left on the server

Then, every time you check the mail, the Dispatcher will appear and will
show all messages you have on server, before you download them. There
you will see how your (selective download) filters have checked your
mail. If they screwed up and unchecked "download" column and had checked
"delete", then you could manually check "download", so you can get your
mail. Or simply you could close Dispatcher without any action and
preserve all your mail untouched on the server -- until you *change*
your filter rules, *or*, until you get back to a TB version you are able
to manage these rules in a safer manner.

> If it's dangerous to search job by mail with TB and dangerous to
> use OE because of viruses, what soft will I use !  :-(

Use *previous* stable/reliable version of TB, and you have the problem
solved. I still use 2.12.00. (The selective download filters of mine,
after they were converted to "NFS", also screwed up my mail and they had
deleted about 70 messages, in one turn. Fortunately, all the mail which
was deleted was recorded in LOG file [Ctrl+Shift+A], so I could see what
was important in there and could ask the senders to send their letters

> Thanks.

You're welcome. (-:

I believe that we, in the near future, will have special marking of the
time: Bv3 and Av3, meaning "before v3" and "after v3". That big are
changes, ...on the Path of Perfection. (-;

(A honest man would say: "Sorry, we screwed up. We'll see to fix it
somehow". Others though try to make invisible the naked wo/man dancing
in the middle of a dense traffic square. (-: )

Cheers, and take care.

- --
PGP key uploaded at: <http://pgp.mit.edu/> once just before breakfast
[Earth LOG: 27 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]


Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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