Hello Nick Dutton

On Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 10:58:37 AM +0400 GMT
You wrote:

ND> Hello,

ND> I'm going through one of my irregular explorations of anti-SPAM
ND> technology, as popfile just seems to grind slower and slower. Although
ND> it must be said that it's almost perfect in terms of accuracy.

ND> One of the things that I really like about popfile is that I can get
ND> TB to delete spam from the server once identified.

ND> Aside from the fact that mails are put into a spam folder by bayesit,
ND> I can't find any other sign in the message.  Is this so?

I'd like to know this also.  How to directly delete an email from pop server 
when bayesit detect it as spam.  But it must be an email with score higher than 

There is an option to delete the email if the score is higher than x%.  Does 
that deletes the email after downloaded the email or directly on the server?

Also, how to know the score of each emails receive by bayesit plugin?

The Final Cut

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