On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 at 18:16:39 +0700, Thomas wrote:
>>> I thought TB always cut off trailing CR/LFs. I'm surprised you
>>> experienced something else, but I have no old version to go back to
>>> for testing.
RA>> No, I make extensive use of the fact that my version doesn't trim the
RA>> trailing CR/LFs to decide whether a particular paragraph or line needs to 
RA>> into a message or not. That text is then followed by one or two CR/LFs.
> Interesting. Can you share with us what the two trailing CR/LFs are
> used for?

Sorry, my explanation wasn't particularly clear. Let me give you three
examples of where I use this.

Once every two weeks I send out emails to a team I work with reporting the
status of current projects. Some of the senior team members get some
additional information. Most of the email is standard text, and there is an
spreadsheet with a date based name that gets automatically attached.

For most of the team the email has two paragraphs thus:

   <person name>

   Paragraph A

   Paragraph B


However senior team members get

   <person name>

   Paragraph A

   Paragraph C

   Paragraph B


To manage this I have a QT that looks like

   <person name>

   Paragraph A

   %If:"%_person_status"="senior":"Paragraph C

   Paragraph B


So the %If macro contains two trailing CR/LFs to ensure the paragraphs are
appropriately and automatically spaced.

As a second example, all my new mail templates start with a QT that inserts
the initial greeting (it's in the macro & QT library as "Greet All
Recipients"). If there are 4 or less recipients, it puts all the names in
and starts, for example,

   Jo, Anne, Peter, Steve,

   Blah blah blah

However if there are more than 4 recipients, I want no greeting at all, so
the email will just start

   Blah blah blah

To do this the QT includes a line (a bit like)



In this case again, if I have a greeting, it is followed by two CR/LFs, if
not, the cursor appears at the top of the email.

As a third example, the closing of my emails is set individually by
recipient. For most work emails I close


But close colleagues just get


The occasional more formal recipient gets

   Kind regards
   Robin Anson

and my daughter gets

   Love, Dad

I do this by including in the memo field of recipients address book entry a
line like

   <closing text>Kind regards</closing text>

Which gives the formal example above.
If that entry is missing from an address book entry, they get the standard
"Regards" closing and the close colleagues have an entry that reads

   <closing text/>

which the QT understands means not use the default value, but actually use
no value. My daughter gets the same closing text, but her address book entry
has another entry that says

   <closing name>Love, Dad</closing name>

That uses a different QT to include the name. The same QT puts "Robin Anson"
in the formal closing.

My closing QT recognises when there should be nothing at all, and doesn't
insert even a CR/LF. Otherwise it inserts the text with a single CR/LF to
split the closing into two lines.

Now if I can't include trailing CR/LFs I could probably set something up in
one QT that passed to the next QT an indication of the number of LEADING
CR/LFs that should be included in it's output, and I could manually adjust
the spacing by deleting or adding CR/LFs. But this is messier, and I don't
have to do this in v3.0.1, so I don't want to have to do it in the later


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