Hi 'Batters!

My colleague today noticed that the Created and Received times are
incorrectly displayed after the DST change of March 26.
Our time zone is UTC+1, but messages created before the DST change are
now displayed with UTC+2; for example 24-03-2006 14:55:00, while the
message actually was created 24-03-2006 13:55:00 - and IMHO opinion
should display the actual creation time of that moment, and not
"corrected" with the current DST. Same applies for Received, of
Anyone similar experience?

There's no such issue in the BT yet; when times are indeed displayed
wrong with others also - not isolated to our installations only- I
guess someone (me?!) should file one...

Happy flappin'!
 Corne' (aka Cory, The Batdmin)

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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