Dear Perry,

@08-Aug-2006, 21:47 -0400 (09-Aug 02:47 here) Perry Nelson [P] in

... <snip>
P> that the message base folder I mentioned earlier, The Bat! Pwd, is still
P> there in all its glory.  And under C:\Program Files\  there are *two* 
P> The Bat! folders, one of them has the name The Bat!(2).

... <snip>
P> I'm sure all of that is more than you wanted to know, but maybe it will
P> offer some clues..

>> I'd make sure that really *everything* is gone after the uninstall (by
>> manually checking the program files directory and your user profile
>> directory where the messagebases are) and try again with a fresh install
>> then.
P> As you can see, even though I specified NOT to retain any files, a whole
P> lot is left. 

... <snip>

I suggest that from this "uninstalled" state, you use windows explorer
to manually remove all traces. Clearly these folders contain locked
and corrupt files that, as soon as they are accessed, bring TB to its

The value of posting this situation in TBBETA is that a BugTraq report
can perhaps be instigated to cover the fact that "Remove all files"
simply does not do the job.

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.81.14 Beta on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

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