rg>> In ver 2.12 is there a way to set this or that folder to use a
rg>> different view mode than the rest of the folders? I see in the
rg>> folder properties general tab an unavailable option to "Edit view
rg>> mode". Why is this unavailable?

PB> While you wait for more competent replies, you set each folder to
PB> "no view mode". Think this stops you settings from being overwritten
PB> by any standard setting.

Ah! The view mode options do not alter the real MODE of the view, only
the columnar options.

I was hoping that folder specific view modes would allow me to say
folderA is HTML views and folderB is plain text view mode.


Beautiful Butterfly Displays

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All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff.   - 
Frank Zappa

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