Friday, June 1, 2007, 11:57:57 AM, you wrote:

> If you already corrected it, check whether you have another entry for
> this recipient, or whether you corrected it for the entry in which he
> has another email address. TB chooses the AB-macros based on the email
> address.

Thomas, thanks but it was just a typo when cutting and pasting in my
email. The macro had the full correct version.
Checking your second suggestion, I am not sure. My AB only has one
listing for this contact, however if I try to write an email the
suggestions will not only contain the AB entry but also the version
with _. Not sure where to look for the second entry then. Where are
the suggested recipients stored (based on received emails)?

Also, I now copied the exact same entry in both macros for compose and
reply %ABTOFromFName and the output is different. In compose I have as
output Dear (blank), .... Kind Regards... whereas my reply has output
Dear _Joe ...

hmmm, totally baffled

using TheBat! 3.99.3 on XP

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