Hello Günter,

> As it turns out, IMAP is an option after all... But as it is
> impractical to keep my entire message base on the server, does IMAP
> allow me to:

> - download messages to both computers

With IMAP you're not supposed to download anything. You only have one 
message base (on the IMAP server) that you access by whatever means: 
An email program like TheBat, a web interface, a mobile device, 

Some programs offer the possibility to cache mail locally. This can be
used e.g. with a laptop that has to display messages even when not
connected. However, there is no standard for this caching and every
program handles it differently, if it is supported at all.

> - flag messages as "read" when downloaded to the second computer

Yes, certainly: Each message has exactly one "read" status, which 
resides on the server. As each client synchronizes with the server 
this status is transmitted and used by the client, regardless of how 
the status got set in the first place.

> - set TB! to delete message from the server periodically (say, every
> week, to stay within the quota)

Yes, but you will have to create backups manually not to loose 
anything. You could do something like this:

- On the work machine, use the IMAP account.
- On the home machine, use the IMAP accound.
- On the home machine, additionally create "local folders" with TheBat.

Now you can access all incoming mail on the IMAP account from both 
machines. When you're nearing your quota, you can move some older 
messages from the IMAP account to the local folders on your home 
machine. When using TheBat, you could even work with automatic 
filtering. These messages will no longer be available from your work 
machine, but either you have the space on the server or you don't, 
that's just the price to pay.

Maybe this could work? Of course, instead of using local folders as an
archive space you could always use a second provider's IMAP mailbox.
For sure you can find a freemail hoster to accomplish that, or you
could even do it yourself (you mentioned a file server you might be
able to use?)

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Alto Speckhardt

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