Hi Roelof,

...about the TBClamwin.bav antivirus plugin for The Bat.....

GG>> The plugin was made by  Marco Pontello and dates from 2007.

> In  that  case  I  suggest that you contact Marco wether he intends to
> update the plug-in: http://mark0.net/contacts.html

Got an answer form Marco....
He wrote me, updating the plugin isn't one of his priorities.
It means, I've to leave Clamwin as antivirus software and install another

Any of you who can recommendate such a program, that works fine
together with The Bat?
It would be a nice detail, if it has the option to personalize the text
under a message in which is told that the message was scanned with .......

Using The Bat Vs. Beta under Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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