On Mar 17, 2010, at 10:54 AM, Jim Lloyd wrote:

> So, what does an error code of -3 indicate?

        #define PCAP_ERROR_NOT_ACTIVATED        -3      /* the capture needs to 
be activated */

> I've done some experimentation and determined that apparently I must call
> pcap_activate before calling pcap_setfilter.


> That is counter intuitive, so I wonder if it is by design or not.

It may change at some point.  It is, however, currently a requirement (on all 
platforms).  It is also a requirement that the pcap_t be activated before you 
call pcap_compile(); lifting *that* restriction would require that we be able 
to get the link-layer type for the device before activating it, which may or 
may not be easy to do.

I will update the documentation to indicate that the operations in question 
(pcap_datalink(), pcap_compile(), pcap_setfilter()) require that the pcap_t be 
activated *and* make what code changes are necessary to arrange that they fail 
on un-activated pcap_t's.-
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