Hey Michael and Guy,
After writing applications that use libpcap for over 8 years,
I believe that it has finally gotten to the point where I need
help in understanding what version of libpcap is running so
I can do what I need to do.  I didn't say that pcap-int.h
had existed and then went away, I'm asking that it be added
to the basic install, or some form of version numbers be

Because you guys don't provide a complete set of routines so
that we can get to all the various contents of "struct pcap",
especially the bpf_program struct and the pcap_md struct,
we've had to improvise, which in my case worked rather well
for 4-5 years.  The issue has just now gotten problematic 
because OS vendors are shipping with libpcap installed
and they are not providing pcap-int.h.  Prior to this, 95%
of the time, adding an application that used libpcap meant
downloading libpcap, which meant that access to pcap-int.h
was pretty much a given.

But now its gotten to be a little bit more complex.  You guys
are adding more variations to struct's and providing less
overt methods for distinguishing which version is on the system.
I used to extract the version string from installed libpcap
libraries so I could provide the right 'struct pcap' definition.
That was the method that tcpdump used many years ago.
That is not as fruitful now because, there are conditional
compile statements in critical structs, so that even if you
know the version, you still don't know what the structure
layout is.

Having access to the actual definition of 'struct pcap' that
is being used by the system would solve all my problems, but
that doesn't seem to be in the cards.

Why is all of this important?  Because you guys still have
unwanted behaviors in your routines. pcap_setfilter() is a perfect
example.  A huge side effect of pcap_setfilter() is that it
tries to load the filter into the kernel.  Sounds like a great
idea, unless you've already loaded a filter into the kernel and
you want libpcap to use a different one, or you want to change the
filter in-between each packet.  The next packet I want to filter
has already been read and passed the kernel filter, so poking
a new filter down into the kernel will not help at all.  But
I doubt that you guys will ever put in support for double and
triple filtering.  No problem, as long as I can poke my own filter
into the 'struct pcap' without the library trying to poke it into
the kernel.  Without pcap-int.h, currently that is impossible.

And that's just filters, there are a lot of issues when
it comes to reading packets.  Many routines in libpcap are
great and I use them extensively.  A lot of routines in
libpcap are not quite what I want and so I replace them
with my own.  When I can't replace them, its important to
have knowledge of what libpcap is doing. As an example, on
linux there are conditions where the interface can revert
to 'cooked' mode, possibly without the user's intention.
Cooked mode adds some significant overhead that may not be
appropriate.   How can I find out if the interface has reverted
to cooked mode without the 'struct pcap'?  I don't think
its possible.

And these are pretty minor issues.  Hanging multiple interfaces
on multiple selects, scheduling them if you will in SMP
architectures seems to beg for pcap_md indictors that are not
currently available using the standard libpcap library.  That
doesn't mean we can't use the existing libpcap library, it
just means that one or two minor routines need adjustment or
we need access to some part of the 'struct pcap'.  For instance,
its nice to grab the device name from the 'struct pcap' on the fly.
But that requires access to pcap_md struct.

I may want to swap packet handlers on the fly, but what is the
state of the read buffer?

What if I want to use my own interface close routine, one
that does something stupid, like send a syslog() message
with each close?  Don't I have to have follow the p->md.next
pointer to get all the possible interfaces?  How do I get
to that pointer today?

Libpcap is a great collection of sub-routines.  It is a better
collection of sub-routines when the internal structures are
available.  If you guys don't want to make it easy, by
providing pcap-int.h, then at least give us a version number
so we can derive pcap-int.h on our own.


Carter Bullard
QoSient, LLC
300 E. 56th Street, Suite 18K
New York, New York  10022

Phone +1 212 588-9133
Fax   +1 212 588-9134

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 7:19 PM
> Cc: 'Guy Harris'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [tcpdump-workers] RedHat and debian do not have 
> pcap-int.h 
> >>>>> "Carter" == Carter Bullard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Carter> Hey Guy, All versions of Unix provide include 
> files that contain
>     Carter> structures that are intended solely for the 
> kernel itself.  These
>     Carter> internal structures are distributed, not for the 
> casual user to
>     Carter> use, but rather to satisfy a greater set of motives;
>     Carter> completeness, education/reference, debugging 
> support and the rare
>   Yes. And you are free to install pcap-int.h into your 
> /usr/include if you like. Or complain to your distro that 
> they should. No other OS has this either.
>   libpcap never installed it ever. What makes you think differently?
>   Every Unix also provides several hundred system calls, not 
> to mention /proc, /kern, /dev, ioctl(), setsockopt() so that 
> every application doesn't have to grovel /dev/kmem to get 
> info. So you suggest that we get rid of all of this?
>     Carter> I think libpcap could benefit from this simple approach.
>   I guess you haven't dealt with versioning of shared 
> libraries. (or Windoz DLL rot).
>   If you always build code in statically, no problem. 
> Otherwise, you need well defined interfaces. Sorry, but 
> that's the way it works.
> ]       ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine.         
>   |  firewalls  [
> ]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON  
>   |net architect[
> http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device > driver[ ] 
> panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, 
> security guy");  [

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