Hey Guy,
Well, I've given you 4 reasons why I currently use
pcap-int.h, and I suspect that if I gave you 10 more
it still won't be compelling for you.  So, I'll simply
require my users to download and compile a new version
of libpcap, regardless of whether there is one already
installed on the system.  That is probably a better
approach to software design and maintenance anyway, since
libpcap will be changing so much between releases.

A simple solution.


Carter Bullard
QoSient, LLC
300 E. 56th Street, Suite 18K
New York, New York  10022

Phone +1 212 588-9133
Fax   +1 212 588-9134


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On 
> Behalf Of Guy Harris
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 11:51 PM
> To: Carter Bullard
> Cc: 'Michael Richardson'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [tcpdump-workers] RedHat and debian do not have 
> pcap-int.h
> On Mon, May 06, 2002 at 10:13:51PM -0400, Carter Bullard wrote:
> > Because you guys don't provide a complete set of routines 
> so that we 
> > can get to all the various contents of "struct pcap", 
> especially the 
> > bpf_program struct and the pcap_md struct,
> "md" stands for "machine-dependent"; libpcap is supposed to provide a
> machine-*independent* interface to packet capture mechanisms.
> If you don't care about machine-independence, perhaps the 
> right thing to do is to directly use the native packet 
> capture mechanism.
> > we've had to improvise, which in my case worked rather well for 4-5 
> > years.  The issue has just now gotten problematic because 
> OS vendors 
> > are shipping with libpcap installed and they are not providing 
> > pcap-int.h.  Prior to this, 95% of the time, adding an application 
> > that used libpcap meant downloading libpcap, which meant 
> that access 
> > to pcap-int.h was pretty much a given.
> "Access" in the sense that you had it in the source, *not* in 
> the sense that it was in the system include directories.
> > Why is all of this important?  Because you guys still have unwanted 
> > behaviors in your routines. pcap_setfilter() is a perfect 
> example.  A 
> > huge side effect of pcap_setfilter() is that it tries to load the 
> > filter into the kernel.
> Well, yeah, that's what it's *supposed* to do, on systems 
> that do filtering in the kernel.
> > Sounds like a great
> > idea, unless you've already loaded a filter into the kernel and you 
> > want libpcap to use a different one,
> I infer from those two sentences that by "want libpcap to use 
> a different one" you mean that you want the kernel filter to 
> be in effect
> *and* you want an additional user-mode filter to be in effect.
> If so, why not do the filtering outside of libpcap?  Libpcap 
> currently only has the notion of one filter being in effect; 
> it puts that into the kernel, if possible, and otherwise does 
> it in userland.
> > or you want to change the filter in-between each packet.
> Well, "changing the filter in between each packet" in the 
> kernel is a bit tricky, given that packets arrive while 
> you're doing that. 
> Presumably you can do that outside libpcap.
> > The next packet I want to filter
> > has already been read and passed the kernel filter, so poking a new 
> > filter down into the kernel will not help at all.  But I doubt that 
> > you guys will ever put in support for double and triple 
> filtering.  No 
> > problem, as long as I can poke my own filter into the 'struct pcap' 
> > without the library trying to poke it into the kernel.  Without 
> > pcap-int.h, currently that is impossible.
> Umm, why do you *need* to poke it into the "struct pcap"?  
> Putting it there won't cause libpcap to use it; why not, 
> well, just do the filtering in userland, by calling 
> "bpf_filter()" directly?
> > And that's just filters, there are a lot of issues when
> > it comes to reading packets.  Many routines in libpcap are 
> great and I 
> > use them extensively.  A lot of routines in libpcap are not 
> quite what 
> > I want and so I replace them with my own.  When I can't 
> replace them, 
> > its important to have knowledge of what libpcap is doing.
> What libpcap does is subject to change between releases.
> > As an example, on
> > linux there are conditions where the interface can revert
> > to 'cooked' mode, possibly without the user's intention. 
> Cooked mode 
> > adds some significant overhead that may not be
> > appropriate.   How can I find out if the interface has reverted
> > to cooked mode without the 'struct pcap'?  I don't think
> > its possible.
> If you know the interface is running in cooked mode, what 
> would your code do differently?
> The reason why we fall back to cooked mode ("revert to" could 
> be viewed as indicating that this happens at arbitrary points 
> in the capture process; that is not the case) is that, for 
> some link-layer types on Linux, either
>       1) the driver hides the link-layer header, so that the *only*
>          way to find out, for example, the payload type above the link
>          layer (e.g., IP, IPX, etc.) is to run in cooked mode;
>       2) the driver hands you random crap as the link-layer header, so
>          that you have *no idea* what's in the link-layer header, or
>          how large it is;
> so what would your program do if libpcap *weren't* using cooked mode?
> > And these are pretty minor issues.  Hanging multiple interfaces on 
> > multiple selects, scheduling them if you will in SMP architectures 
> > seems to beg for pcap_md indictors that are not currently available 
> > using the standard libpcap library.
> How so?
> Note that, if those indicators provide information that's not 
> currently available, that would be because they don't 
> *exist*, in which case exposing the "pcap_md" structure 
> wouldn't help....
> > That doesn't mean we can't use the existing libpcap 
> library, it just 
> > means that one or two minor routines need adjustment or we 
> need access 
> > to some part of the 'struct pcap'.  For instance, its nice 
> to grab the 
> > device name from the 'struct pcap' on the fly. But that requires 
> > access to pcap_md struct.
> Or a "pcap_get_devname()" routine.  Accesss to the "pcap_md" 
> structure would give you the device name *only on Linux*, 
> because the *only* reason it's kept around is to let us muck 
> with interface flags to work around a botch in the 
> SOCK_PACKET capture mechanism (which indicates that we don't 
> even need to set that field if PF_PACKET sockets rather than 
> PF_INET/SOCK_PACKET sockets are being used).
> > I may want to swap packet handlers on the fly, but what is 
> the state 
> > of the read buffer?
> "Packet handlers" in what sense?
> > What if I want to use my own interface close routine, one that does 
> > something stupid, like send a syslog() message with each close?
> What do you mean by "interface close routine"?  A wrapper 
> around "pcap_close()"?  A replacement for "pcap_close()"?  A 
> routine to close
> *all* the interfaces?
> > Don't I have to have follow the p->md.next
> > pointer to get all the possible interfaces?
> "p->md.next" is *NOT* a list of "all the possible interfaces".
> It's a list of all the interfaces, *on a Linux system*, that 
> are opened with SOCK_PACKET sockets, in promiscuous mode.  
> That is exactly what it is *intended* to be; it's there 
> *solely* as a workaround for misfeatures of SOCK_PACKET 
> sockets - misfeatures fixed by the PF_PACKET mechanism in the 
> 2.2 and later kernels.
> If you want a list of *all* the open interfaces, "p->md.next" 
> is *not* guaranteed to be that, and you should *not* use it as such.
> If your code is the only code that opens interfaces that you 
> care about, you should maintain the list yourself.
> If your code is *not* the only code that opens interfaces 
> that you care about, so that you *can't* maintain the list 
> yourself, this would require changes to libpcap to maintain 
> such a list, as it's not maintained on *any* platform right now.
> > Libpcap is a great collection of sub-routines.  It is a better 
> > collection of sub-routines when the internal structures are 
> available.
> I am not yet convinced that making the internal structures 
> available would make it better.  (In fact, if they're 
> available, they're no longer internal structures!)
> In the case of "pcap_setfilter()", I'm not convinced that you 
> need to get at the structure at all.
> In the case of the cooked mode flag, you haven't yet shown 
> that your code can do anything *with* that flag's value, by 
> showing what it
> *would* do with the flag's value.
> In the case of the indicators in the pcap_md structure for 
> SMP, you haven't indicated what those indicators would do, or 
> even that they
> *exist* at present.
> In the case of getting the device name on the fly, that can 
> be done with a routine (and would require code changes 
> *anyway*, as it's not maintained on platforms other than Linux).
> -
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