On 2012/02/17 22:01, Anton Maksimenkov wrote:
> Hello.
> I want to ask you about vmmap changes introduced here and in your
> presentation http://openbsd.org/papers/tdose_memalloc/presentation.html
> 1. http://openbsd.org/papers/tdose_memalloc/presentation.html#%2816%29
> "Browsers, java & mono breakage"
> You pointed to some buggy software. If I understand correctly, you try
> to "workaround" these bugs by using of "VM map address selectors".
> If it is correct then I don't see reasons for this code and it's
> "workarounds overhead" in production (web/db server, firewall,
> router... ) where these buggy apps don't used at all.
> Secondly vmmap becomes more complex and harder to understand/debug/develop.
> Maybe these "workarounds" must be #ifdef'ed and enabled only by some
> kernel option?

Surely that makes the workarounds *even more complex*, and by having
different people running different code, harder to debug.

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