2013/12/8 Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com>:
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Ted Unangst <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:
>> One of the hallmarks of the original libpthread was that all data
>> structures were opaque, and hidden via pointers. That in turn made it
>> possible to write a binary compatible librthread. I never would have
>> started librthread if it hadn't been for that compatibility. So I
>> don't like turning my back on it. Exposing the size of sem_t is a
>> *major* step.
> It may be time to actually make that jump.  sem_t is actually an easy
> one to do it with, as it doesn't have the ownership issues of mutexes
> or spinlocks, or the lists of condvars or barriers.  Those others will
> require more structure changes and kernel help.

So what's the decision?

Are there any objections still? If not, can I have a pair of okays?
KDE4 really needs a decision to be made: people already had apps
crashing without this diff, so I've put a dirty hack to stop KDE using
of process-shared semaphores. But there could be more dragons, in
other software.

  Vadim Zhukov

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