On 2018/09/25 22:24, Matthias Schmidt wrote:
> hi Stuart,
> * Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > 
> > These settings in .vimrc make it quite noticeable
> > 
> > syn
> > set foldmethod=syntax
> > set foldlevelstart=1
> Totally forget about this thread.  I had the same issue and the
> following options made vim + syntax highlighting at least a bit more
> usable for me.
> let sh_minlines=100
> let sh_maxlines=600
> set synmaxcol=300
> Cheers and HTH
>       Matthias

I've had a play with various "set re" options to use the old and new
RE engines, new engine speeds range from "similar to the old one" to
"much much slower than the old one" in my tests (depending on what
it's doing and depending on malloc.conf flags).

I considered changing the port back to using re=1 by default, but
I ran into out-of-bounds reads in some cases when opening a file with
syntax-highlighting enabled and paging through to the very end
(especially with "hard" malloc.conf flags) so have put it to one side
for now ...

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