Todd C. Miller <> wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Apr 2019 07:01:03 +0200, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> > There have been internal discussions about OpenBSD also removing the pf
> > packet filter after the upcoming 6.5 release. Instead a switch to
> > using David Gwynne's new bpf filter will happen.
> > The benefits outweigh the drawbacks and the missing features will be
> > readily implemented in time for the 6.6 release.
> Will the bpf JIT changes be done in time for 6.6?  I have no doubt
> that "pfctl -p /dev/bfp" can be made to work in time but for a truly
> performant firewall we will need bpf JIT.

Don't think so -- JIT-less is the new hot.

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