On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 03:46:09PM +0200, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 03:28:52PM +0200, Stéphane Aulery wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Le 01/06/2020 14:55, Matthieu Herrb a écrit :
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > (I have just tried with a test user with nothing configured besides
> > > > LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8, without which xterm/vim doesn't show proper
> > > > characters)
> > > 
> > > I'm using a real US keyboard with AltGr or the Menu Key (depending on
> > > the actual keyboard) set as Compose and typing full compose sequences
> > > to get diacritics. ie <Compose> <comma> <c> and so on.
> > 
> > I use a Bépo keyboard but this but
> > 
> > Your experience interests me. I use a Bépo keyboard but I plan to switch to
> > a QWERTY + compose keyboard like you do. I hope this will give better
> > compatibility between systems and less software config remapping.
> > 
> > I do not see how to configure this in console.
> I'm only using this under X. the OpenBSD console is plain ASCII and
> has no support for for UTF8 characters, so no need to enter them.
> To setup the right alt key as compose, you can either:
> - run 'setxkbmap -option compose:ralt' somewhere in your session
>   startup script
> - create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-keyboard.conf containing
> --- Cut ---
> Section "InputClass"
>         Identifier "Kbd"
>         MatchDriver "kbd"
>         Option "XkbOptions" "compose:ralt"
> EndSection
> --- Cut ---

I used to understand that shit back in xmodmap days.
I'll admit I'm completely lost with setxkbmap

Along the same lines, how can you simply disable caps lock ?

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