`rtt_link’ list also has missing protection when rtfree() called
outside netlock. 

> On 25 Dec 2021, at 01:34, Alexander Bluhm <alexander.bl...@gmx.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 02:04:17PM +0100, Alexander Bluhm wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 12:55:04AM +0100, Alexander Bluhm wrote:
>>> If you use only regular IPsec or forwarding, I hope it is stable.
>> false hope
>> rt_timer_add(fffffd81b97f5390,ffffffff814218b0,ffff8000002040c0,0) at 
>> rt_timer_
>> add+0xc7
>> icmp_mtudisc_clone(2438040a,0,1) at icmp_mtudisc_clone+0x174
>> ip_output_ipsec_pmtu_update(ffff8000011e35a0,ffff8000226c0a08,2438040a,0,0) 
>> at i
>> p_output_ipsec_pmtu_update+0x71
>> ip_output_ipsec_send(ffff8000011e35a0,fffffd80b8735000,ffff8000226c0a08,1) 
>> at i
>> p_output_ipsec_send+0x231
>> ip_output(fffffd80b8735000,0,ffff8000226c0a08,1,0,0,457ea326bbcaae85) at 
>> ip_out
>> put+0x7ca
>> ip_forward(fffffd80b8735000,ffff80000011e048,fffffd819089ce70,0) at 
>> ip_forward+
>> 0x2da
>> ip_input_if(ffff8000226c0b48,ffff8000226c0b54,4,0,ffff80000011e048) at 
>> ip_input
>> _if+0x353
>> ipv4_input(ffff80000011e048,fffffd80b8735000) at ipv4_input+0x39
>> ether_input(ffff80000011e048,fffffd80b8735000) at ether_input+0x3ad
>> if_input_process(ffff80000011e048,ffff8000226c0c38) at if_input_process+0x6f
>> ifiq_process(ffff80000011dc00) at ifiq_process+0x69
>> taskq_thread(ffff80000002e200) at taskq_thread+0x100
>> end trace frame: 0x0, count: -12
> /usr/src/sys/net/route.c:1491
>    3773:       49 8b 0f                mov    (%r15),%rcx
>    3776:       49 8b 47 08             mov    0x8(%r15),%rax
>    377a:       48 85 c9                test   %rcx,%rcx
>    377d:       74 06                   je     3785 <rt_timer_add+0xb5>
>    377f:       48 83 c1 08             add    $0x8,%rcx
>    3783:       eb 08                   jmp    378d <rt_timer_add+0xbd>
>    3785:       49 8b 4f 20             mov    0x20(%r15),%rcx
>    3789:       48 83 c1 18             add    $0x18,%rcx
>    378d:       48 89 01                mov    %rax,(%rcx)
>    3790:       49 8b 07                mov    (%r15),%rax
>    3793:       49 8b 4f 08             mov    0x8(%r15),%rcx
> *   3797:       48 89 01                mov    %rax,(%rcx)
>    379a:       49 c7 47 08 ff ff ff    movq   $0xffffffffffffffff,0x8(%r15)
>    37a1:       ff 
>    37a2:       49 c7 07 ff ff ff ff    movq   $0xffffffffffffffff,(%r15)
> /usr/src/sys/net/route.c:1492
>  1484          /*
>  1485           * If there's already a timer with this action, destroy it 
> before
>  1486           * we add a new one.
>  1487           */
>  1488          LIST_FOREACH(r, &rt->rt_timer, rtt_link) {
>  1489                  if (r->rtt_func == func) {
>  1490                          LIST_REMOVE(r, rtt_link);
> * 1491                          TAILQ_REMOVE(&r->rtt_queue->rtq_head, r, 
> rtt_next);
>  1492                          if (r->rtt_queue->rtq_count > 0)
>  1493                                  r->rtt_queue->rtq_count--;
>  1494                          else
>  1495                                  printf("rt_timer_add: rtq_count 
> reached 0\n");
>  1496                          pool_put(&rttimer_pool, r);
>  1497                          break;  /* only one per list, so we can 
> quit... */
>  1498                  }
>  1499          }
> These lists don't look very MP safe.

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