On 25.12.2021. 18:52, Alexander Bluhm wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 25, 2021 at 09:24:07AM +0100, Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
>> On 24.12.2021. 0:55, Alexander Bluhm wrote:
>>> I think we can remove the ipsec_in_use workaround now.  The IPsec
>>> path is protected with the kernel lock.
>>> There are some issues left:
>>> - npppd l2pt ipsecflowinfo is not MP safe
>>> - the acquire SA feature is not MP safe
>>> - Hrvoje has seen a panic with sasync
>>> If you use one of these, the diff below should trigger crashes faster.
>>> If you use only regular IPsec or forwarding, I hope it is stable.
>> Hi,
>> after hitting sasyncd setup with this diff for some time i've run
>> ipsecctl -sa just to see what's going on and box panic
> According to ddb output ipsecctl is running in userland and the
> panic is triggered by a kernel timeout.  Could it be coincidence?
> When I run with 4 softnet threads, I see userland starvation.  Maybe
> both timeout and ipsecctl wait for the exclusive netlock and are
> executed shortly after each other.
>> r620-1# ipsecctl -sa
>> uvm_fault(0xffffffff82200c18, 0x417, 0, 2) -> e
>> kernel: page fault trap, code=0
>> Stopped at      pfsync_delete_tdb+0x84: movq    %rcx,0x8(%rsi)
>>  290490  40316      0         0x3          0    3  ipsecctl
>>   10869  22801     68        0x10          0    5  sasyncd
>>  504041  13202     68        0x10       0x80    1  isakmpd
>>  476980   6400      0    0x100000          0    2  ntpd
>>  224100  72648      0     0x14000      0x200    4  reaper
>> * 75659  10211      0     0x14000 0x40000200    0K softclock
>> pfsync_delete_tdb(ffff8000012e8008) at pfsync_delete_tdb+0x84
>> tdb_free(ffff8000012e8008) at tdb_free+0x67
>> tdb_timeout(ffff8000012e8008) at tdb_timeout+0x7e
>> softclock_thread(ffff8000fffff260) at softclock_thread+0x13b
>> end trace frame: 0x0, count: 11
>> https://www.openbsd.org/ddb.html describes the minimum info required in
>> bug reports.  Insufficient info makes it difficult to find and fix bugs.
>> ddb{0}>
> /home/bluhm/openbsd/cvs/src/sys/net/if_pfsync.c:2519
>     5f30:       49 8b 86 10 04 00 00    mov    0x410(%r14),%rax
>     5f37:       49 8b 8e 18 04 00 00    mov    0x418(%r14),%rcx
>     5f3e:       49 8d 94 24 e8 09 00    lea    0x9e8(%r12),%rdx
>     5f45:       00
>     5f46:       48 8d b0 10 04 00 00    lea    0x410(%rax),%rsi
>     5f4d:       48 85 c0                test   %rax,%rax
> *   5f50:       48 0f 44 f2             cmove  %rdx,%rsi
>     5f54:       48 89 4e 08             mov    %rcx,0x8(%rsi)
>     5f58:       49 8b 86 10 04 00 00    mov    0x410(%r14),%rax
>     5f5f:       49 8b 8e 18 04 00 00    mov    0x418(%r14),%rcx
>     5f66:       48 89 01                mov    %rax,(%rcx)
>     5f69:       49 c7 86 18 04 00 00    movq   $0xffffffffffffffff,0x418(%r14)
>     5f70:       ff ff ff ff
>     5f74:       49 c7 86 10 04 00 00    movq   $0xffffffffffffffff,0x410(%r14)
>     5f7b:       ff ff ff ff
> /home/bluhm/openbsd/cvs/src/sys/net/if_pfsync.c:2520
>   2508  void
>   2509  pfsync_delete_tdb(struct tdb *t)
>   2510  {
>   2511          struct pfsync_softc *sc = pfsyncif;
>   2512          size_t nlen;
>   2513
>   2514          if (sc == NULL || !ISSET(t->tdb_flags, TDBF_PFSYNC))
>   2515                  return;
>   2516
>   2517          mtx_enter(&sc->sc_tdb_mtx);
>   2518
> * 2519          TAILQ_REMOVE(&sc->sc_tdb_q, t, tdb_sync_entry);
>   2520          CLR(t->tdb_flags, TDBF_PFSYNC);
>   2521
>   2522          nlen = sizeof(struct pfsync_tdb);
>   2523          if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&sc->sc_tdb_q))
>   2524                  nlen += sizeof(struct pfsync_subheader);
>   2525          atomic_sub_long(&sc->sc_len, nlen);
>   2526
>   2527          mtx_leave(&sc->sc_tdb_mtx);
>   2528  }
> Most sc_tdb_q are protected by sc_tdb_mtx.  But pfsync_drop_snapshot()
> and pfsync_sendout() do not have it.
>> rsi                            0x40f
>> rcx               0xffffffffffffffff
>> rax               0xffffffffffffffff
> tqe_next and tqe_prev are -1.  Looks like a double remove.  Can
> pfsync_delete_tdb() be called twice?  The tdb_refcnt should enforce
> that tdb_free() is only called once per TDB.
> Flags look reasonable.  But a problem could be that they are not
> protected in if_pfsync.  Then set or cleared bits may be lost.
> Fix both missing mutexes .  Also put the tdb_sync_entry
> modification and TDBF_PFSYNC flag in the same sc_tdb_mtx.
> I still have no pf sync setup.  Hrvoje, can you try this?


i think that this panic is coincidence, but i can't prove it because
it's not so easy to reproduce. I'm hitting sasync setup with this diff,
for 2 days and i can panic boxes...
If i try to reproduce panic without this diff, would it give you some
more information or hints regarding ipsec and mp forwarding?

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