On 09.06.2016 18:44, Martin Klapetek wrote:
Hey George,

nice to see you back!

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:02 AM, George Kiagiadakis
<gkia...@tolabaki.gr> wrote:

Hello all,

For those of you that don't know me, I'm an old kde-telepathy &
telepathy-qt developer who's been inactive in telepathy for a
couple of
years. Recently I've been looking again into what is going on in
project and it looks like it's dead, which is a pity. However, I
can see
there is some limited activity around telepathy-qt, with some
writing new Qt-based CMs (cool!). This little activity makes me
that maybe it's possible to revive the rest of the project?

I'm basically writing this email to declare my interest in
attempting a
revival. I think free communication is quite important and it's
neglected a lot recently in the FOSS world, which motivates me
enough to
spend some time again in this project.

As a start, I would like to get in touch with all of you who are
working on something related to telepathy. It would be nice to
start a
conversation about project needs and future plans. So, if you are
interested, please get in touch. I am 'gkiagia' on irc and various

places on the internet.

So KDE Telepathy is right now pretty much in maintenance mode
for lack of developers, but there is some development by me going
into a new KDE/Qt/QML client called SpaceBar, which does not
have any public releases yet and is moreless built on top of
ktp-common-internals fork, which I would love to get back to master.

The primary focus was/is Plasma mobile, but it's very well usable
on desktop as well with some nice features like endless-history-on-
scroll and full emoji support plus all the goodness of ktp-text-ui

Hey Martin,

Glad to hear you are still around :)
I'm also really happy to learn about your new client. I'm looking forward to see it in action.


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