
Outgoing FTP connections from the server will come directly from the exe 

If you can, completely turn off the firewall and do a quick test just to be 
sure that the firewall is your problem.


From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: RE: Write - FTP action

Hi Robert,

I have been working through the firewall issues to get this working now.

We have the router figured out, but we need to get the firewall working 
properly on the Windows 2008 R2 server.

Is the ftp implementation for TeraScript embedded in terascript.exe or is there 
a call to another program to execute ftp?

I have added terascripte.exe as a program to allow on the firewall, but it 
still doesn’t work.

Thanks for any info you can provide.


From: Robert Shubert []
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 8:36 AM
To: <>
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: RE: Write - FTP action


Thanks for your feedback on this action.

The FTP method was put into v6 before we acquired it. We needed to fix a few 
bugs just to get it working at all, and there are still some aspects which 
aren’t intuitive, as you’ve found.

I’ll put it on the list to improve the actions per your comments.



From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 9:44 PM
To: <>
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: RE: Write - FTP action

I did some testing from home and figured this out.

You don’t need ftp:// or http:// included in the domain name.

Enter your Hosts, port and credentials and the “browse” button will access the 
ftp server and display a window with a directory of the ftp service. Basically 
a way to test that the ftp connections work. GREAT TOOL!

I tried to run my ftp test taf from home and it failed again. “-341 Unalbe to 
connect to the file server. FTP Server: _T Port:”

Then it dawned on me that the reason I couldn’t use the “browse” button at work 
and the taf is unable to connect to the ftp server is that our firewall is 
preventing ftp traffic.

Case solved. This Write action works great.


From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 5:01 PM
To: <>
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: Write - FTP action

I am looking for some documentation for this action.

Can the “host” just be the domain? Does it need to include ftp://

What is the “File” field used for? I thought maybe it was a path and file name 
to write to the ftp site.

When I click on “Browse” TeraScribe locks up on me. Maybe I am doing something 

I know Robert is working hard on a new release and I see the Programming Guide 
has been updated. Is there documentation of the TeraScribe actions somewhere 
that I haven’t located?


Steve Fogelson

Internet Commerce Solutions


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