The cron system can’t use SSL, nor can it follow a redirect.

I usually leave an http entry point with an internal IP address for the crons 
to hit.

From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2018 7:36 AM
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: An SSL Connection could not be established

This is a new server. Windows 2012 R2. Terascript 7.1.3 with multiple 
TeraScript services and IIS 8.5 is running on a virtual server using Windows 
Hyper V. I have 16 gig and 24 virtual processors assigned to the virtual server. runs fine from the 
Internet Explorer 11 browser running on the virtual server.

I also have a re-direct for all http: to https: requests to this domain setup 
in IIS to comply with Google Chrome’s version 98 coming out in July.

I have used IISCrypto to lock down TLS, cipher suites, etc to comply with PCI 

I have a number of cron jobs setup on one of the services. I want to change all 
the cron jobs to https:, but when I change one to https: the service freezes 
up. I have tried changing different cron jobs, one at a time to https and they 
all seem to lock up the service.

Any help would be appreciated.



From: Robert Shubert []
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 7:19 AM
To: <>
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: An SSL Connection could not be established

Verify that URL works from the server that TS is running on.


From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2018 12:39 PM
To: <>
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: An SSL Connection could not be established

I am converting sites to SSL and am getting this error from a Web Call. I am 
using TeraScript 7.1.3

Anyone know why this Web Call would have trouble with SSL?



Internet Commerce Solutions

Server: TeraScript Server 7-7

Class: Internal

Application File: /Cron/SS.taf

Position: WebCallContinueProcessing

Main Error Number: -1001

Secondary Error Number: 0

UserReference: 4762CDBFA58B05985B2FEF18

Main Message: Unable to send data when processing URL request.

Secondary Message: 
An SSL Connection could not be established.

Error Message:

Help Message:


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