David Wheeler wrote:
On Mar 25, 2004, at 12:08 PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

Hmm, thinking some more, may be we could just suggest to look in Apache::TestConfig::Usage or the output of t/TEST -h? that probably won't do, right? the reason I hesitate is the duplication of the information, which eventually will end up being out of sync. I wish we could tunnel %Usage in the pod, without copying it. Thoughts?

Yeah, that would be good. The trouble with directing people to t/TEST is that some distributions, including my own, don't come with a t/TEST until you run Makefile.PL. So there's a catch-22 here.

Good point. How about:

To see the available options and their meaning run:

perl -MApache::TestConfig -le 'Apache::TestConfig::usage()'

When t/TEST is generated, where does it get those docs?

From Apache::TestConfig.

package Apache::TestConfig;


use vars qw(%Usage);

%Usage = (
   top_dir         => 'top-level directory (default is $PWD)',
   t_dir           => 'the t/ test directory (default is $top_dir/t)',
   t_conf          => 'the conf/ test directory (default is $t_dir/conf)',
   t_logs          => 'the logs/ test directory (default is $t_dir/logs)',
   t_conf_file     => 'test httpd.conf file (default is $t_conf/httpd.conf)',
   src_dir         => 'source directory to look for mod_foos.so',
   serverroot      => 'ServerRoot (default is $t_dir)',
   documentroot    => 'DocumentRoot (default is $ServerRoot/htdocs',
   port            => 'Port [port_number|select] (default ' . DEFAULT_PORT . 
   servername      => 'ServerName (default is localhost)',
   user            => 'User to run test server as (default is $USER)',
   group           => 'Group to run test server as (default is $GROUP)',
   bindir          => 'Apache bin/ dir (default is apxs -q BINDIR)',
   sbindir         => 'Apache sbin/ dir (default is apxs -q SBINDIR)',
   httpd           => 'server to use for testing (default is $bindir/httpd)',
   target          => 'name of server binary (default is apxs -q TARGET)',
   apxs            => 'location of apxs (default is from Apache::BuildConfig)',
   startup_timeout => 'seconds to wait for the server to start (default is 60)',
   httpd_conf      => 'inherit config from this file (default is apxs derived)',
   maxclients      => 'maximum number of concurrent clients (default is 1)',
   perlpod         => 'location of perl pod documents (for testing downloads)',
   proxyssl_url    => 'url for testing ProxyPass / https (default is 
   sslca           => 'location of SSL CA (default is $t_conf/ssl/ca)',
   sslcaorg        => 'SSL CA organization to use for tests (default is asf)',
   libmodperl      => 'path to mod_perl\'s .so (full or relative to 
   defines         => 'values to add as -D defines (for example, "VAR1 VAR2")',
   (map { $_ . '_module_name', "$_ module name"} qw(cgi ssl thread access 

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker http://stason.org/ mod_perl Guide ---> http://perl.apache.org mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://use.perl.org http://apacheweek.com http://modperlbook.org http://apache.org http://ticketmaster.com

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