On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Adam Williamson
<adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2016-09-22 at 16:09 -0400, Matthew Miller wrote:
>> tl;dr: are we getting buggier, or are more people using the crash
>> reporting?
>> I made this chart:
>>   https://mattdm.fedorapeople.org/misc/faf-vs-mirrors-fedora-7dma.png
>> It takes the number of retraces per day from FAF* and normalizes them
>> using the mirror connection data I have from Smooge — this doesn't
>> represent the actual exact number of installed Fedora systems, but is
>> a
>> decent proxy for general relative scale.
>> The good news is that the general trend for each release is downward.
>> Cool — things get better. The... other news is that F24 is definitely
>> higher across the whole lifetime. That could be because we're getting
>> more crashes, or it could be because for whatever reason people are
>> reporting them more.
>> I have no idea what can or should be done with this information, but
>> I
>> found it interesting so I thought I'd share. :)
> I honestly don't really know either. Can we tell if it's some small set
> of specific crashes that's really occurring a lot, or is there no
> pattern like that and it's more like just...more things are crashing
> more often?

Or is there more success with the automated bug reporter? I sense that
more bugs in the Problem Reporter program will successfully file a
bug, instead of saying the capture data was bad and the problem
couldn't be reported.

Chris Murphy
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