George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It would be nice to see ConTeXt used by more people, but I am
> concerned that if it becomes as readily available as plain tex then
> people will assume that it has a similar license, and as a result,
> violate the license unintentionally.  This implies extra workload
> for TeX gurus who will then have to explain to these users that they
> have to purchase table.tex and Lucida fonts in order to compile a
> document that they brought with them from their previous school or
> obtained from a colleague.

Are you sure about table.tex?  There is no file by that name in the
context distribution, and the only *table* files in the tetex
distribution that I could find are latex-related.

Hans has written several more sophisticated ways of doing tables since
context used the third-party table support.

As to Lucida fonts, yes, the Lucida fonts are commercial, but that has
nothing to do with context per se.  Any document (latex, plain,
whatever) that uses those fonts won't compile on my system, since I
haven't bought the fonts.  It's not a ConTeXt-specific issue.

--Ed Cashin                     PGP public key:

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