Please forgive me if this is not the place to ask this question ... I'm 
new to TeX.

I have a LaTeX 'hack' for reformatting section titles to place them in 
the left margin of the page. I am told, however, that the redefinition 
of primitives is deprecated

--------- snip ---------------

I have been defeated in my attempts to find an alternative means of 
doing this - even after hours spent with Kopka and Daly's excellent 
"Guide to LaTeX" which appears to use some such trick itself. There is 
no reference in that book to the keyword '\csname' , for example, much 
less to the function \makeatletter.

The 'hack' seems to work well: so I don't really need to abandon it. But 
I'd be grateful if someone could point me to a more intelligent way to 
do this.

PS: I notice that Thomas Esser participates in this list. If you read 
this, Thomas, thank you very much for TeTeX. As I learn more about LaTeX 
I realize that TeTeX is a wonderful piece of work and I'm very grateful 
to you for it (and to Gerben Wierda  for his Mac OS X version).

Peter Gallagher
Inquit Pty Ltd
[t] +61 3 9654 7670
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