>>>>> "Kalyan" == Kalyan Mukherjea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > Hi Joost, Thanks; the command $dvips -Ppdf -G0 hello.dvi -o
    > hello.ps did indeed solve the problem! That is when, I now run
    > pdftops on hello.ps the output is fine.  However when I call gv
    > to view hello.ps the bar still bears the label "gv: hello.dvi":

dvips puts the original filename (hello.dvi) as a comment at the top
of each file.

For example:

%%Creator: dvips(k) 5.86g Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software
%%Title: hello.dvi
%%Pages: 1
%%PageOrder: Ascend
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842

gv displays the title of the document, which is just the filename.
There is no way to set the %%Title comment from TeX, but on the other
hand one can imagine that other programs could insert something more

You can edit the ps file and replace the filename by something more


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