
> The -G1 option in dvips (can be activated on the commandline or in a
> config file; typically it is enabled in config.pdf) turn on a feature
> named "character shifting". This works around bugs in various other
> software, by shifting characters of a font to the "upper" area of a
> font. This works well e.g. with CM fonts, but it fails if the upper
> slots are not free in the font.

Yes, this I have noted and have therefore commented out G in config.pdf
Which softwares has bugs that make character-switching necessary?

> The new fix (dvips(k) 5.90a or later) checks on a per font basis if
> character shifting is possible.

I, for another reason, updated to the latest teTeX beta (2002-04-02) and
the dvips version included is:
> dvips --version
dvips(k) 5.86g
kpathsea version 3.3.7

Or did I misunderstand and it is texlive who has the updated dvips?


Erik Frisk                            email:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Electrical Engineering         tel:            +46 13 285714
Linköping University                    fax:            +46 13 282035
S-581 83 Linköping
SWEDEN                                       www.fs.isy.liu.se/~frisk

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