> Now that the latest tex-live release is practically on its way out the
> door, can we expect a corresponding teTeX release?

No, not a 100% corresponding release. I have the -G1 fix for dvips and
the "downgrade update" for Omega (1.15 is the best version currently
available, the TeX Live version is not that stable).

In the very near future, I plan to release a new teTeX-pretest. teTeX-2.0
(the next "stable" release) is not too far away, too. There are so many
improvements that have been recently made, which justify raising the
version number to 2.0 for the next stable release.

> (The relationship between tex-live and teTeX seems shady to me at best...)

program sources
It is like this: TeX Live is available in an online repository which I
can read/write. I have a separate (non-public) source tree where I keep
the teTeX sources.

If I have something new, I usually put it into the teTeX tree first. If I
ask Sebastian if he wants that for TeX Live, he always says "yes". Then,
either I send him something, or I check it in directly.

But, I am not the only person who contributes to teTeX / TeX Live. Other
people make fixes / new stuff available for TeX Live either by sending
stuff to Sebastian or by directly updating the online repository.

>From time to time (sometimes several times a day) I sync my local copy
of TeX Live with the online repository and get all the updates. Then, I
take all the useful stuff and put it into the teTeX source tree. Having
the software at different places causes some maintenance overhead,
but I think that no real development work is doubled.

texmf tree
We both maintain our own "texmf" tree, but from time to time we copy stuff
from each other...

> I currently
> run the latest teTeX beta personally, but don't dare expose more than
> a select few of my users to it - although I must say have had no

I think that the latest "beta" stuff has much less problems than the
old "stable" stuff. That's yet another reason why it is time for a new
stable release.


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