On Wed, 29 May 2002, Erik Frisk wrote:

> Hi, 
> > The -G1 option in dvips (can be activated on the commandline or in a
> > config file; typically it is enabled in config.pdf) turn on a feature
> > named "character shifting". This works around bugs in various other
> > software, by shifting characters of a font to the "upper" area of a
> > font. This works well e.g. with CM fonts, but it fails if the upper
> > slots are not free in the font.
> Yes, this I have noted and have therefore commented out G in config.pdf
> Which softwares has bugs that make character-switching necessary?

The "bug" is the use of a zero byte to mark the end of a string in
standard C strings (you lose \Gamma and math minus).  Problems have been
seen in early versions of Acrobat Reader, and many drawing programs
that claim to import PS files.

Since the native graphics API's on most common platforms use C strings,
character shifting remains useful in situations where you want to import a
PS file or translate it to another format.  One notable exception was
NeXTStep, which used Display PS and Objective-C.

George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Halifax, Nova Scotia

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