Hartmut Henkel writes:

> MetaPost output doesn't show here (teTeX-20021116, debian-woody PC) the
> current date/time, but the date/time of teTeX build. Also not in the
> %CreationDate comment, Is this ok? An example:

> beginfig(1)
> label(decimal(day) & decimal(month) & decimal(year), (100mm,150mm));
> endfig; end

> This gives still 16112002 here.

It looks like this bug was introduced in 1999 and went unnoticed for
quite some time.  Happily the fix is easy and will be in the upcoming
web2c 7.3.12, and from there go into teTeX and TeXlive.

> Greetings Hartmut

Olaf Weber

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